
Twitter comics




[Main Activities]
Illustration, Comics, Design
Goods/Merch creation, Video production, Song covers
Youtube streaming, Commissions, Fan art
Live2D Rigging, Design and Illustration : NueHakase
[Main links]


[Important Notice]I do not waive any copyright/portrait/moral rights of my characters.
Please refrain from any actions that infringe on these.
❌Unauthorized reproduction/unauthorized use/tracing of my illustrations and photos, including screenshots of my stream is strictly prohibited. Usage of my art for AI is also strictly prohibited.
‼️Do not use images of Nue (my character) or any of my photos as your icon or header. Feel free to take and post screenshots from my stream, but you are prohibited from using them as your header or icon.
⭕️Illustrations I have drawn as commissions can only be used by the client of the work, or by those who have been authorized by the client. If the character or commission does not belong to you, you are forbidden from using it in any way. (Prior consultation is required for usage of my art for profit.)
❌I am a LESBIAN. Under no circumstances are you to draw art of me in a sexual manner with a man. Art of me being even friendly and amicable with a man is prohibited. I am a lesbian since birth and always will be. If you draw art of me engaged with a man in any positive manner, I will hunt you down and kill you. I only love women, and I’ll slaughter any men who dare to even look at me, let alone engage with me.
I can only speak Japanese.

Inquiry / Question / Consultation
(Please speak in Japanese.)
[email protected]



The hashtag does not work if the image has a sensitive warning setting. If you add the hashtag in a reply there, it seems to work. (I verified this, but it also disables quote RTs.) If the account is recent or a private/locked twitter, it also does not appear in the search results. Other Twitter glitches may prevent it from showing up. I check hashtags frequently, so if you post fanart and I don’t notice it after a long time, it would be helpful if you let me know via Mention, as it is possible that the tags are not working for the reasons mentioned above.

#Usage and Details
General Tag#鵺博士A general tag for anything and everything related to me. I love to talk about dreams, so if I appear in your dream, please report it here. I'm always happy to hear about your outings with my goods, two-shots, etc.
First Stream Tag#鵺博士初配信Memories of 2022 10/01 First stream
Stream Tag#鵺配信My stream clippings/impressions of stream/screenshots of my stream
FanArt#NueHakase_FANARTFan-made works in general should be posted here. You can upload your illustrations, handmade crafts, stories, and any other works here.
Self-Insert Art with my character#鵺餌I welcome fan works involving my original characters /NueHakase interacting with your self-inserts and original characters. In that case, some of you may not want your works to be spread, so out of precaution, I will not retweet your works posted without a tag.(If you don't mind me sharing or retweeting your work, please do post it in the #NueHakase_FANART tag!)I’d love to see your art for me.
Goods Purchase Report#鵺様グッズ届いたよI spend a lot of time and passion in producing, packing, and shipping my goods, so I am very happy when I receive reports that they have arrived and that people are happy with them. Please tag photos of my merchandise when it arrives so I can see them if you feel so inclined.




I am called "Nue-sama" in Japan. There are also "Nue-chan" and "Nue". Women can refer to me in whichever you like.
Men are only to address me as “Nue-sama”.
My name is pronounced “New-wey”, however, there is a nickname, "NUI” (Nu-ee)" people overseas use. I would be thrilled to be called by this.

💜Likes.-Raw meat
-Virgin blood
-Autoeroticism (sexual acts between the same person)
-Women older than me
-Men who look down on me
-Vegetables/Bitter Food/spicy food
💟Trivia.●Image flower :Purple Tulips🌷
●176cm/59kg (5.7”/130 lbs)
●Light-sensitive; slows down when exposed to sunlight.
●Skeletal structure: Natural
●Foot Size: 26 cm
●Cute/Youthful face with a large, intimidating body

I use Twitter mostly, so check Twitter. ] Commissions are currently only available through Skeb. I will not take any commissions involving heterosexual characters or situations, and such requests are not allowed.Hello, my name is NueHakase. Nice to meet you.
I am a lesbian yokai living in Japan.
I'm 20 years old. I am a self made Vtuber and illustrator. I make all my own 2D models, logo designs and illustrations. I can not speak English, so please speak Japanese when you send me messages. I use a translator. I often do not return messages because it is too much work for me to communicate with you in English messages. I only accept commissions on Skeb. I love female blood.I like to draw women's bodies absolutely love drawing lesbian sex! It’s my expertise.
Thanks again for your support. I appreciate and love you guys very much.
Sorry I don't speak English. But I love making friends overseas… I hate studying, but I’ve recently started studying English. I have befriended many kind foreigners and I feel bad that I cannot speak English yet. If you speak to me slowly in simple sentences, I am able to answer. ♪♪♪Thank you 💜 In Japanese, I speak with a dialect called "Kansai-ben," which is a rough and intimidating nuance of the Japanese language.I love to receive fan art. Please use the #NueHakase_FANART hashtag when you paint me. I became a Vtuber because I want lots of people to draw me. I love to see your art.
Because it means that the time you spend drawing pictures of me, you are only thinking about me. 💜 I welcome pictures of you and me getting along.
I have a stream wherein I speak a lot of English, which I will link below. Let’s have fun practicing together.

Reproduction or reprinting of any documents, drawings, photographs, etc. on this page by any means or in any form is prohibited.
